HILLO My names Austinthekid(but call me hunter) I make funny art for you guys and I make animation sometimes you can find my other accounts on Twitter tik tok Deviant art and YouTube enjoy y’all’s stay 🌝

Age 17, Male

i'm an artist

Granbury high school

A planet with water

Joined on 6/24/21

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Hillo everybody Austinthekid here so if y’all remember I along with a few others was caught in the little war ig you could call it with this little kid Animehater11 he would spam hate comments on rule 34 and constantly harass people like Zinzoa feliprecrespito Dreameclipsewolf and many more I helped him for a bit because I was ignorant and thought “oh a kid is getting subjected to pornography this is wrong” but then I looked into it more and saw he actually started the whole situation so I stopped helping him and started supporting the people trying to blam him eventually he did get blamed he tried to make a comeback on multiple occasions but was unsuccessful. And that was the end he stopped visiting the site and he left us all alone and we all went back to normal…..at least for a bit but behind the scenes me and a few of my friends had to still deal with this kid he would constantly harass my family and friends I’ve had to block him everywhere and he even went as far as to start making fun of my dead relatives to get at me well one day he started talking about having a “girlfriend” on discord and when we asked him who it was he lied and said that he’s dating this one girl that I was friends with (keeping her name secret for privacy reasons) and we kinda believed him for some reason. But one day we were making fun of him and we decided to ping that girl and say “hey have you and Alex made out yet” she responded iu_1223197_9476395.jpgafter this he started getting pissy with us because we “ruined his chances” like he had any. Afterwards nothing really happened that was until he started a rumor that she liked getting choked and he was still trying to convince people they were dating this made a lot of kids bully her and in return we removed all contact with him and reported him to discord staff sadly nothing happened but I’m sure one day they’ll get off their asses and do something about this kid. Then after he found out I was friends with this girl he started a rumor that I had a crush on this guy I’m friends with @nullplauge he started telling a lot of people in our group chat then they told their friends and it was horrible we’ll after all that drama we were at school and Animehater11 started and I’m not kidding sexually harassing a student (I’m not saying his name for privacy reasons) he would touch his thighs he would grab him inappropriately and then one day in class he started drawing porn of the guys character and when he asked Animehater11 to stop he actually just said “why aren’t you stopping me huh” like a bitch i had to actually attack this kid just to get him to stop well the school year ended now there’s nothing new about him he’s still edgy and pathetic and he’s hated by everyone he’s recently started trying SoundCloud recently and well https://on.soundcloud.com/c22GRGLdFKciJtMW just listen to it 🤮. Now I know this isn’t as good and as long as how Bisstupid would do it but I thought I’d finish this series for him because I basically have a front row seat to his actions. Well hope you liked this rant love you all Austin out-


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